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New Lease Opportunity

Potential to combine to create a unit of 2,896 sq ft

Newbury is an attractive, historic and affluent market town, strategically located within the M4 corridor and home to the UK headquarters of Vodafone.

The subject property is situated in the 100% prime pitch at the northern end of the pedestrianised section of Northbrook Street, with the principal entrance to Parkway shopping centre located a few metres to the north.

Other nearby occupiers include Jigsaw, Metro Bank, Blacks, Oxfam and TSB Bank, amongst others.


£64,000 per annum exclusive.

Rateable Value:

Unit 30 - £26,750 / Unit 31 - £24,750



Lease Type:

A new lease for a term to be agreed.


Adam Rawcliffe
07968 474 988

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